cal crawling in his own unique style. he sure sure get around though. |
where does all of this come from?? where i ask? |
we have been patiently waiting, encouraging, silently wishing, implementing play that encourages, and praying that our cal will soon commence crawling. and..............he has done so! I placed a call to kelli yesterday, i was sweating, out of breath and a bit overwhelmed to be honest. I had wiped the boys presentable, clothed them appropriately rushed them to the car strapped them down promptly, got the air conditioner purring and said a silent prayer of thanks and asked for mercy. then i called my go to girl on parenting twins, as my nieces are just a bit older than the boys and sternly discussed why in the world she did not tell me two crawling babies does not a saign mommy make? i am disappointed to say that i took them to hobby lobby as an activity so that i could catch my breath while insuring their safety. phew, they are fast. one is grabbing at the jack russel who is terrified of little grabby hands, i'm running to save both lives, as i spot the other on chewing on the gas lighter key thing for the fireplace, meanwhile frederick is ticked that i swept hem away from the baby gate/ cute puppy he's dying to yank on. put frederick down, redirect cal and begin to put toys away. its quiet. hmmm....both boys are behind the couch looking a board books. awwww. put more toy away, as i do not enjoy mounds of toys lying about. look over my shoulder just in time to sprint across the room to catch th falling 40 pound stroller frederick is pulling up on; now milliseconds from falling on brother. yes i do believe i pulled something. sigh. they really are quite cute though. i am big time excited to see sweet cal begin to explore his world.
ok. one more discovery this week. frederick, oh frederick. i found him in the morning waiting for daddy to feed and change him first thing. only this day daddy left for an early tee time. not without making breakfast for us all first . insert awww here______. i open the door to a room of smiling, cutest ever made baby boys. one of whitch is missing all forms of clothing. all form of clothing just in case you missed that. he is standing in his crib grinning at me, nudie pants with an all over soiled crib. awesome. way awesome. we are so cool around here. am i toast or what?
cal and frederick playing |
xoxox--the buells:)
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